Dolphins in Isla Aguada Magical Town

Isla Aguada Magical Town

Fisher’s Village

What is Isla Aguada Magical Town?

Isla Aguada is famous for its beautiful beaches and natural surroundings, making it a popular tourist destination for sun and sea lovers, as well as those who enjoy sport fishing.

Isla Aguada Magical Town is an ideal place to enjoy a peaceful vacation and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region.

colored letter aguada island with dolphins

Isla Aguada has been considered one of the Magical Towns of Mexico since December 1, 2020 🎂. It belongs to the municipality of Carmen.

Pirate Ship Aguada Island Magic Town


What is the history of Isla Aguada?

Pirates would take refuge on the island after committing their raids on ships and other nearby ports. In the year 1762, Governor Don Bernardo Sáenz Montero sent a detachment of armed men to drive them away from the island.

It is said that the first settlers on the island were precisely these armed forces that drove away the pirates. Many residents of the village were also families who were fleeing the Caste War in Yucatán.

Dolphin Sanctuary

Why visit Isla Aguada Magical Town?

In Isla Aguada, there is a significant presence of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). During a tour of the Laguna de Términos, you can see the dolphins approaching. It is recommended to visit in May and June to observe them.

It is an attractive destination for those seeking an authentic experience on the Mexican coast.

The name “Aguada” comes from the freshwater wells found on the island.


Between 64° and 93° F




Where is Isla Aguada located?

Isla Aguada is located 90 km away from the city of Campeche and just 40 kilometers from Ciudad del Carmen, the municipal seat of Carmen municipality. They are connected by the Puente de la Unidad (Bridge of Unity).

Isla Aguada in the Maya Train Route

Photo gallery

Isla Aguada Magical Town pier
Cayo Arenas Isla Aguda Magical Town
Laguna de Términos kayaking.
Isla Aguada Pier
Bridge to reach Isla Aguada Magical Town.
Dolphins in Isla Aguada Magical Town


What are the Festivities of Isla Aguada Magical Town?

Isla Aguada is a small locality, although it doesn’t have many festivities, it is close to the city of Campeche, which has several cultural and religious celebrations throughout the year. Some of the most prominent festivities in the region include:

Festival of the Holy Cross Isla Aguada

Feast of the Holy Cross

It is a religious and cultural festivity celebrated in honor of the Lord of the Fisherman from May 3rd to 11th. During the celebration, a procession takes place where the cross is carried through the streets of the town, followed by the faithful who sing and pray.

San Roman Campeche Fair

San Roman Fair

This festivity is celebrated in honor of San Román, the patron saint of the city of Campeche, from August 15th to 31st. During the fair, cultural events, concerts, exhibitions, amusement rides, and sports activities take place.

Festival of Carmen Campeche

Carmen Festival

On July 16th, the festivity in honor of the Virgen del Carmen, patroness of fishermen and sailors, is celebrated. It takes place in the city of Campeche and includes processions, religious activities, sports events, and cultural activities.

Tourist Attractions

What to do in Isla Aguada Magical Town?

Isla Aguada is an ideal place to relax and enjoy nature. Some attractions you can experience include:

Beaches in Isla Aguada Magical Town.

Enjoying the beaches

Cuisine in Isla Aguada Magical Town.

Taste the local gastronomy

water sports isla aguada magical town

Practice sports

boat ride on isla aguada magical town

take a boat ride

Malecon in Isla Aguada Magical Town.

Strolling along the boardwalk

terminos lagoon isla aguada magical town

Visit the Terminos Lagoon

Lighthouse and museum in Isla Aguada Magical Town.

Visit the Lighthouse

Isla Aguada fishing tour magical town

Going on a fishing tour

Excursions and observation

Highlighted activities in Isla Aguada

In Sisal, it is recommended to enjoy the beach, engage in water activities 🚣, and take a stroll through the Magical Town

Visit Laguna de Términos in Isla Aguada Pueblo Mágico

Visiting Laguna de Términos

Dolphin Watching at Isla Aguda Pueblo Mágico

Dolphin watching

Visit Cayo Arenas in Isla Aguda Pueblo Mágico

Visiting Cayo Arenas


Beach in Isla Aguada Magical Town

Isla Aguada has several beautiful and nearby beaches, here are some of them:

Norte beach

Norte beach

Sabancuy Beach


Paraíso Beach

Paraíso Beach

Archaeological wealth

Archaeological sites in Isla Aguada

In the area of Isla Aguada and its surroundings, there are no significant archaeological sites. However, in the vicinity of Isla Aguada and the Yucatán Peninsula, there are several archaeological sites of the Mayan culture that you could visit. Some of them include:

Edzná Archaeological Site


Calakmul Archaeological Site


Uxmal Archaeological Site


What tours are available in Isla Aguada?

Travel agencies in Isla Aguada Magical Town

Marbella Tour Isla Aguada

Marbella Tours in Isla Aguada


La Fragata de Isla Aguda

La Fragata de Isla Aguada


Ecotourism Tours Isla Aguada Magic Town

Ecotourism tours in Isla Aguada

(938) 113 45 15

Where to stay in Isla Aguada, Campeche?

Hotels in Isla Aguada Magical Town

Hotel Cabañas María José Isla Aguada Magic Town

Cabaña María José


Where to eat in Isla Aguada?

Restaurants in Isla Aguada Magical Town

Chuco Filarpón Aguada Island

Chucho Filarpón


Don Guillo Restaurant Aguada Island

Restaurante Don Guillo


colored letters Isla Aguada Magic Town

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about Isla Aguada Magical Town

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Isla Aguada on the Mayan Train Route

In summary, Isla Aguada is an attractive tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches, sport fishing opportunities, natural surroundings, and tranquility. It is also a natural sanctuary for dolphins.